
Drilling & Workover Simulator Workshop

Posted on 27/01/2022
313 A9165

MSELECT together with Horizon Oilwell recently ran the first Drilling & Workover simulators workshop at the Erbil International Hotel, Iraq. Attendees included industry professionals from across the country from companies including Kuwait Energy, Taqa, DNO, HKN, Haliburton, Oilserv, and more, plus University students keen to get into the sector.


Workshop activities included:

    • Introducing IWCF & IADC courses to be delivered in 2022

    • Demonstrating the DrillSIM:20 and MultiSIM simulator kits

    • Q/A session with instructors

    • Practical session with the simulators

MSELECT in partnership with Horizon Oilwell can deliver IADC & IWCF accredited courses such as Advanced Stuckpipe Prevention, Coiled Tubing, Wireline/Slickline, and Well Control. The courses delivered are comprehensive, practical training programs allowing extra practice on simulators.


Simulators can be set up on the rig-site of clients in order to allow daily practice by employees for long-term training programs. This is done via the On The Rig (OTR) Simulator


Our simulator kits are manufactured by renowned UK company, Drilling Systems, whose simulators are recognized to meet industry standards by IWCF and IADC. Our MultiSIM simulator is one of only two in the middle east, the first being in Oman (Confirmed again by Drilling Systems). Horizon is an authorized reseller of Drilling Systems simulators in Iraq.


MSELECT together with Horizon can utilize high-end technology for client projects, such as simulators for Drilling and Well Control, Crane and Lifting, Well Intervention, along with Virtual Reality capabilities, all can be seen here.   

Speak to us today to discuss your requirements.


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