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Human Rights & Social Policy

mselect is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate social responsibility in its business activities.  

We aspire to high standards of practice through a process of continual improvement and the adoption of international codes and standards where practicable.  To meet this commitment we will implement management systems in our operations that accord with the requirements of our corporate social responsibility standards and strive to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other employment standards, wherever we operate

  • Consult with and respond to the concerns of our stakeholders

  • Behave with honesty and integrity in all our activities and relationships with others and reject bribery and corruption in all its forms


  • Respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly and without discrimination

  • Encourage team working and the sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation

  • Recognise employees’ individual and team contribution and reward them appropriately 

  • Forbid, eliminate and not be complicit in the use of forced or child labour

Local Communities

  • Respect the rights of indigenous peoples in all countries in which we operate

  • Assist in the development of local community programmes where we operate, in consultation with local government, the public and our stakeholders

Human Rights

  • Respect and support internationally recognised human rights standards wherever we operate and seek to ensure non-complicity in human rights abuses

  • Identify, assess and manage human rights risks within our sphere of influence and activities, working firstly to avoid or mitigate them and then seek to remedy any actual or potential impacts

  • Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place for those affected by our operations to raise grievances


  • Ensure that contractors and suppliers are aware of, and where necessary, work with them to meet our business principles, policies and standards 

Responsibility for compliance with mselect's  Human Rights and Social Responsibility policy and standards lies with the Chief Executive, Directors, Managers and their staff.