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How to create a compelling LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is one of the places you should try if you are looking for a job online. In this article, we will walk you through how to craft a compelling LinkedIn profile so that you can use the platform to network more effectively.


Why you should use LinkedIn as part of your job search and why your LinkedIn profile matters

LinkedIn has over 1 billion active users from over 200 countries, including employers, some of whom are actively looking for staff. Over 62 million of those users are in the MENA region. Your LinkedIn profile is a great way to show off your CV to those people.


The beauty of using the platform is that it becomes an active part of your job search strategy. Here's how:

  1. It expands your professional network and industry knowledge. LinkedIn is a great place to stay in touch with contacts and make new ones. It is also a great place to learn from industry leaders, helping you gain more knowledge on trends and happenings in your sector.

  2. It acts as a living CV. The platform lets you update your profile with new expereinces, skills and projects, allowing you to showcase who you are and what you do best.

  3. It gives you access to potential employers. Your research into companies and potential employers can become much more detailed here because you can access social content to get a feel for what it's like to work for a company and what they stand for.

Who can see your profile on the platform?

One of the most common concerns job seekers have when using LinkedIn is who can see their profile. The answer is:


●       Your connections can see your profile and any updates you make, including your work history, education, and any posts you share.

●       People outside your network can also see your profile, but the information they can see depends on your privacy settings.

●       LinkedIn members with premium accounts can see more information on your profile, such as who has viewed it and how you rank in search results.

●       Google visitors can also find your profile in Google Search if you have a public setting. Extra visibility can be especially beneficial when you are job hunting.

And does profile verification help?

Recently, LinkedIn introduced profile verification to help you provide authenticity signals to those who view and interact with your profile. It is rolling out as a free process that requires a few key pieces of identification. Once verified, you will receive a small tick and shield icon by your profile name.


It has yet to be determined if this process is 100% necessary or will become a standard for LinkedIn users, but some believe it has helped them make more connections within their industry.


The anatomy of a LinkedIn profile

When starting a fresh LinkedIn profile set-up, you must understand all the areas you can personalise.


●       LinkedIn Profile Picture - You should use a professional, high-quality image. Avoid blurred or poorly lit photos. Your final image should be 400 x 400 pixels, and files no larger than 8Mb.

●       Headline - Your 220-character headline should briefly summarise your current role or profession. It should be catchy, informative, and show your value. Our tip is to keep it shorter, as you'll likely see less text on mobile devices. Try something like "Job ¦ Years experience ¦ Results."

●       LinkedIn Profile Summary - Highlight your skills, experience, and achievements in a concise and easy-to-read format, and include what you are looking for if you are job hunting. You can start with your CV summary, which should contain keywords that your industry uses to describe jobs, skills, and experience (although avoid jargon or buzzwords). Finish your profile with a call to action, like "Let's connect".

●       Experience - Include your work history, job titles, employment dates, and a description of your role responsibilities.

●       Education - List your educational background, including any courses, degree(s) and relevant certifications.

●       Skills - List your core competencies by showcasing abilities relevant to your profession. You can add up to 50 using LinkedIn's skill finder.

●       Recommendations - These are testimonials from colleagues, managers, and clients added by other individuals to your profile. It is okay to ask for these, but ask those who can add value by highlighting your skills and achievements.


When you write your profile, be honest and true to yourself and your values. Be clear about what you are looking for, what you want to show potential employers, and why you are a great choice.


A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can attract potential networking partners, employers and clients. To make the most out of your profile, it's essential to regularly update your experience, skills, education, and achievements.


Your profile can also be used to automatically match you to job listings under LinkedIn Jobs, which can be beneficial for helping you see what is available and what you may be likely to succeed in applying for.


Remember your profile does not replace a traditional CV, so make sure your profile matches your CV.

What to avoid in your LinkedIn profile

Knowing what to avoid in your profile is equally as important as knowing what to include. Here are some things you should keep in mind:


●       Avoid using buzzwords and jargon - While it's important to highlight your skills and achievements, using buzzwords and jargon can make your profile appear generic, confusing and uninteresting.

●       Don't leave your profile incomplete - A complete profile helps you appear more trustworthy and credible to potential employers. Ensure you complete all the necessary information, including your work experience, education, and skills.

●       Avoid using inappropriate language or content - Your profile professionally represents you. Avoid using inappropriate language or content that might offend others.

●       Remember to proofread - Grammatical and spelling errors can make you appear careless and unprofessional. Take the time to proofread your profile before you publish it.


What to post on LinkedIn

Post LinkedIn content relevant to your industry or profession to attract new connections and showcase your skills. This can include informative articles, exciting blog posts, helpful tutorials, or engaging videos.


Focus on sharing insights or perspectives that are unique to you and can provide value to your audience. Don't be afraid to share your experiences or ask questions to start a conversation.


Additionally, try to engage with your new audience through comments and messages. Following relevant people and companies can also help.


It's also important to comment on other people's content to help foster meaningful connections. Don't wait for people to visit your profile - explore and interact!


How to use LinkedIn for networking beyond regular posting

Here are some tips on how to use the LinkedIn app to network further:


  1. Search for people in your industry and connect with them with a personalised message. Spend time building a community, as these people will be important in growing your understanding of your industry and helping you find new work.

  2. Join industry groups and participate in discussions. This is a great way to connect with like-minded professionals and learn from their experiences.

  3. Attend industry events. These webinars can be beneficial in understanding industry trends or technology.

  4. Use LinkedIn Search to find industry content you can comment on. Make sure you comment purposefully and not just to get noticed, as that is a big no-no.

Now that you have a LinkedIn profile let's learn how to run more effective research

Join us for the next part of our career service guide and learn how to research industries and companiesthat match your ideal job.