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What to do after your job interview: A step-by-step guide

You've just gotten home from an interview. You drop your bag by the door and sit down on the sofa. It's been a long day. Your mind races, considering what your next step needs to be. You remember you bookmarked this mselect guide and open your laptop to read it again.

Here you are, wondering about your next steps. Firstly, well done on that interview; we know you did your very best.

Let's dive into our step-by-step guide on what to do after your interview.

What to do after your job interview: Step 1 - Take a day to reflect on the interview

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth. It's not about dwelling on what went wrong but about understanding how you can improve. This is especially important after an interview, as it allows you to take control of your career path and make informed decisions about your future.

To begin, consider the positive aspects of the interview. What did you do well? Did you ask practical questions? Did you make a strong connection with the interviewer? Did you share enough about your skills?

Next, think about areas where you could improve. Did you articulate your answers clearly? Did you miss an opportunity to ask a critical question? Reflecting on these aspects of the interview can help you identify areas where you can grow as a candidate.

Consider what you'd like to change and what you could do more during an interview, and add these to your preparation plans.

The other thing to consider is what you learned about the job and the company. Analysing this will help you determine if the job you interviewed for is right for you.

Step 2: Job interview follow-up

Something most candidates either need to remember or feel confident enough to do is to follow up with a company after an interview. Following up can help you stay informed about the status of your application and demonstrate your continued interest in the position. However, it's essential to approach this follow-up professionally and respectfully.

The thank you note

The day after your interview is a great time to send a thank you email. It is often seen as a nice touch by employers. Please don't use this email as an opportunity to enquire about your status; instead, keep it simple and thank the employer for their time.

A good tactic here is to remind them that you are enthusiastic about the job, the company and the skills you would bring to the position.

How long after an interview should you hear back?

While there is no set time frame, it is generally recommended that you wait at least one week before following up with the employer and enquiring about your status. This gives them enough time to review all the candidates and decide.

How to follow up with the interviewer (after a week)

When it's time to follow up, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure you come across as motivated and enthusiastic rather than pushy or demanding:

  1. Remember the time frame and process you discussed with the interviewer during your meeting.

  2. When you make contact, ensure you address the person you're contacting by name and thank them for their time during your interview.

  3. Politely enquire about your application status and ask if you can provide additional information to aid decision-making.

  4. Make sure you express your continued interest in the position and thank them again for their consideration.

Step 3: Continue the job search

Remember, your job search is a journey, and an interview is just one step along the way. Even if the interview went well, it's important to keep your options open and continue exploring other opportunities. An open mindset of resilience and optimism will keep you motivated and prepared for any outcome.

Step 4: Remember to take care of yourself and be patient

Finally, remember to take care of yourself during the job search process. It can be stressful, so it's important to practice self-care. Consider getting more exercise, practising meditation, spending time with family and friends, or practising hobbies you enjoy. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle the ups and downs of the job search process.

Also, remember to be patient. While it always feels difficult to wait for a response, you must remember that HR processes take time. There will be other candidates to see and time to consider who will make a good fit for the job. Often, these things cannot be rushed.

What not to do after a job interview

While it is essential to discuss what you should do after an interview, it's also important to consider what you should not do - especially if the job in question is your dream job.

●       Please don't be too pushy when following up with an interviewer and send demanding or multiple communications. One clear and concise email is best. Give them some time to review your application and contact you if they are interested.

●       Avoid being too hard on yourself. While it is helpful to consider where you could improve in your interview technique, it is counterproductive to see these as personal faults. You want to keep your confidence up.

●       Avoid missing communications. While we don't expect you to watch your emails every few minutes, at least check in once or twice a day. Responding promptly to job correspondence is always a good signal to potential employers.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Join us for our following career services guide: How to reply to job offers and negotiate terms